Tyler Perry Delivers Timeless Advice for Entrepreneurs

Feb 13, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Kristen Scholer was with Tyler Perry, Founder of Tyler Perry Studios, at the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Summit. He dished out tips for achieving success and shared his thoughts on the future of content.

Tyler Perry delivered timeless advice for entrepreneurs. He said he always invested in himself and was the first one to get there, and last one to leave. His studio is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Perry said the tax incentive has brought so much production of film and television. He filmed parts of Black Panther reshoots, as well as parts of The Walking Dead on the grounds of his studio.

Oprah has been one of his biggest sources of inspiration. After producing content for Oprah’s network, Perry signed onto a big deal with Viacom to produce original content for BET and other Viacom networks. While his deal with Viacom is exclusive, Oprah’s network will continue to have hit shows produced by Perry as long as it wants them.

Perry also hits on the future of streaming and how it fits into his own business. He said he wants to run his own streaming service because it is the “wave of the future.” The producer isn’t looking for an exclusive deal with giants such as Netflix or Hulu. Instead, he believes “there should absolutely be ‘Tyler Perry’ streaming.” He said the sweet spot for pricing streaming networks should fall between $5-$10.

Success didn’t come easy for Perry. He started out doing live stage shows, and his first show was a major flop. Despite the failure, he said people should keep pushing and go for their dream.


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